Les Différents Types de Poils Chez le Chien et les Races Associées

Different Types of Hair in Dogs and Related Breeds

Different Types of Hair in Dogs and Related Breeds

Maintaining good grooming between grooming appointments for your dog contributes to his health and well-being. Using the right tools and adopting a regular routine is essential to maintaining the beauty and health of his coat.

1. Short Hair

  • Description: Short, moderately abundant undercoat, and very short, smooth, numerous and tight guard hairs.
  • Breeds: Boxers, Pinschers, Dobermans, some Braques, Pointers.
  • Recommended brush type: Rubber brush or grooming glove.
  • Brushing frequency : Once a week to remove dead hair and maintain the coat's shine.  

2. Short and Double Hair

  • Description: Woolly, abundant, very dense undercoat and short, smooth and soft guard hairs.
  • Breeds: German Shepherds, Labradors, Beaucerons, Huskies.
  • Recommended brush type : Bristle brush and undercoat brush.
  • Brushing Frequency : Two to three times per week to remove dead undercoat

3. Long and Double Hair

  • Description: Very dense undercoat, longer behind the ears, armpits, breeches and tail. Guards more or less long, smooth and shiny.
  • Breeds: Collies, Belgian Shepherds, Samoyeds, Spitz, Newfoundlands.
  • Recommended brush type: Undercoat rake and slicker brush.
  • Brushing Frequency : Daily to prevent knots and tangles.

4.Medium to Long and Dry Hair

  • Description: Dry coat with little undercoat. Jarres do not have the smooth and shiny appearance.
  • Breeds: Briards, Lhasa-Apsos, Pyrenean Shepherds.
  • Recommended brush type: Long bristle brush and wide tooth comb.
  • Brushing frequency : Two to three times a week to keep the coat in good condition and prevent matting.

5.Medium-long, silky and flat hair

  • Description: Moderately dense undercoat, fine, medium to long topcoat, smooth, abundant, shiny in appearance and very soft.
  • Breeds: Spaniels, English and American Cockers, Springers, King Charles Spaniels, Papillons, Moths.
  • Recommended brush type: Slicker brush and fine-toothed comb.
  • Brushing frequency : Once or twice a week to maintain the softness and shine of the coat.

6. Long and Silky Hair

  • Description: Similar to human hair, virtually free of undercoat.
  • Breeds: Maltese Bichons, Yorkshire Terriers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
  • Recommended brush type: Fine tooth comb and slicker brush.
  •  Brushing Frequency : Daily to prevent knots and tangles.

7. Curly Hair

  • Description: Curly hair is usually very dense, frizzy or curly, forming tight curls or waves.
  • Breeds: Poodles , Bichon Frises, Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Recommended brush type: Detangling brush and wide tooth comb.
  • Brushing Frequency : Daily to prevent knots and mats.

Don't hesitate to consult a professional groomer for specific advice on caring for your dog's coat.

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